Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template

Ideal for presenting a Product or Project launch, this Project Rollout Plan Template includes plan formats for the crucial time of your Project Delivery.

Seven Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template slides in 1 Pack!

This PowerPoint Roll Out Template includes the following features;

  1. Phased Rollout Plan Template
    1. Timeline
    2. Rollout Phase markers
    3. Resources
    4. Business Value
    5. KPI
    6. HR
    7. Finance
  2. Workstream Rollout Plan Template
    1. Timeline
    2. with 4 workstreams
    3. Governance
    4. KPI
  3. 4-Year Rollout Plan Template (style 1)
    1. Timeline
    2. with 5 Workstreams
    3. a KPI area
  4. 4-Year Rollout Plan Template (style 2)
    1. Same as “style 1” but with striking risk colours
  5. Rollout Plan with Status Report Template
    1. Workstreams: shows the Rollout Timeline
    2. Status Report: shows Business Value, Status, Risks, Blockages, On Radar
  6. Rollout Plan SWOT Analysis Summary
    1. Three formats – colourful, yellow, Black & White
    5. THREATS
  7. Rollout Plan RAID Analysis Summary
    1. RISKS
    3. ISSUES

Some elements:

Powerpoint Workstream Rollout Plan Template
Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template – SWOT
RAID Summary – Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies

The slides in the Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template:

Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template – Slides

$ 19.97Add to cart

5 reviews for Powerpoint Rollout Plan Template

  1. Sri N

    wow this saves you a ton of time. Stop wasting time trying to do what you can easily buy from these guys.

  2. Alan

    Alan was first a customer in 2015.

    He got back in touch in 2018 to acquire some updates.

    We helped Alan out getting the right templates. His testimonial:

    I can now complete my task using your excellent templates.

    by Alan, NHS, UK.

  3. Amelia

    I purchased the Agile Template Bundle, and used 2 of the templates for documents I needed in a meeting the very next day.

    My manager was so impressed – she wanted the templates herself!

    Thanks so much – I will be back for more.

  4. Rachelle

    I’ve bought several of the Discount Bundles, and am enjoying the variety of templates – especially the time savings.  What an impact they’re having when I use them. Great value and a real pleasure. Thanks!

  5. Craig Forsyth

    Absolutely great – hit the need straight on. All the templates I have purchased are used in some form regularly.

    I’ll be back – a simple and painless transaction!

    Craig Forsyth – Senior Interim Professional, Advantage Through Service Ltd.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Created : 2013-03-07 00:00:00
Modified : 2022-01-10 16:28:18