Project Crisis Management Dashboard and Excel Log – RAIDAR Template

The Project Crisis Management Dashboard & Log Register has tools to manage a project recovery. RAID, plus Actions and Repairs. Recovery is the priority.


  1. The Crisis Management Dashboard areas:
    1. RISKS
    3. ISSUES
    5. ACTIONS
    6. REPAIRS

Project Crisis Management Dashboard Worksheets

  1. Dashboard worksheet
    1. Summarises RAIDAR items and Actions and Repairs
    2. including which Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies have been resolved
    3. and the severity of each
    4. RISKS – a detailed report of risk levels, and whether the Risks are improving or not
  2. RISK worksheet
    1. Risk Description & Effect
    2. Rating for Impact and Liklehood
    3. Automatic calculation of “Risk Score” from 1 to 25
    4. The Risk Score can be cross-referenced with the Risk Score Matrix
    5. Status
    6. Contingency Plan
    7. Trend (improving or deteriorating)
    8. Planned Actions
  3. ASSUMPTIONS worksheet (includes constraints)
    1. Description
    2. Implication
    3. Stakeholders involved
    4. Criticality
    5. Status
  4. ISSUES worksheet
    1. Description of Issue
    2. Impact
    3. Score
    4. Status
  5. DEPENDENCIES worksheet
    1. Description of dependency
    2. Inbound vs Outbound
    3. Owner
    4. Priority
    5. Status: Committed vs Not Committed
  6. ACTIONS worksheet
    1. Action Description
    2. Due Date
    3. Score
    4. Status
    5. Owner
  7. REPAIRS worksheet
    1. Same as Actions sheet
  8. Help Page
  9. Risk Scoring worksheet

For RAID (without the Actions & Repairs) see our RAID Log Template.

Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Risk Sheet – showing risk line items and risk scores.
Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Assumptions Sheet
Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Issues Sheet
Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Dependencies Sheet
Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Actions Sheet
Crisis Management RAID-AR template – Repairs Sheet

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1 review for Project Crisis Management Dashboard and Excel Log – RAIDAR Template

  1. Drew

    These templates rock. I have a status report due Monday and I am thrilled that I came across your web site.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Created : 2013-03-07 00:00:00
Modified : 2021-10-06 18:13:43