Supplier Status Report (Excel)

A dynamic supplier control template which has status indicators automatically updated by performance data.
Control your supply chain with automatically updated status indicators.
You need to capture a lot of data to successfully control a supply chain but conveying the overall performance and position in an easy to read way can be a challenge.
So we have created our Supplier Status Report to do just that.
When it comes to capturing lots of different data, Excel is about as good a program as you can get. The downside though is that it can be bland to look at, and information does not generally leap out at different stakeholders without them having to look very closely.
This document captures all the detail required to manage the performance of the supply chain whilst having clear and graphically rich status dials for easy and impressive communication.
This template features;
- Fully automated Dashboard showing key metrics in dial format
- Performance data, by supplier for a detailed month view
- Year to date performance with trend graphs
- Compliance dashboard and adherence progress
We have created the dials within excel rather than using pictures to ensure that each one is truly automated and customisable; each is linked to the data on the other sheets. We have been careful to avoid the use of macros to keep things as editable as possible.
Another design feature is embedded graphs into the year to date performance so that trends are easily seen; these are automatically linked to the data so update each time data is changed.
We have ensured that individual process steps which form the three key performance measures of Time, Cost and Quality have been captured. All headings and measures are easily changed to suit your own specific supply chain if required.
We have taken our compliance set of criteria from various heavily regulated sectors in global markets. Again, all questions/criteria can be modified to suit your exact specifications.