Hackathon Event Templates
Hackathon Events are a great way to efficiently bring people together to solve a shared problem or address an industry challenge.
The goal of a hackathon is to create usable prototype (i.e. something that works in real life – a functioning product) by the end of the event. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus in a “Theme”, and may include multiple competition “Categories”.
Usually for 2 days the participants will create rapid prototypes to test new ideas in real situations. Often there are prizes, but the emphasis is on fun, networking and intense collaboration.
New Additions
- Hackathon Rollout Guide - Getting Ready: Generate Excitement and Avoid Mistakes (PPT & Keynote)
- Hackathon Task Checklist and Status Dashboard (Excel)
- Hackathon Budget Sheet Excel Template
- 2 Day Hackathon Event Guide - Simple Step by Step for success, and avoid the common mistakes
- Hack Day Event Template Discount Bundle
Discount Bundles to use for Hackathon Event Templates

Hack Day Event Template Discount Bundle
This Hack Day Event Template Discount Bundle guides you through the Hack Event design and delivery process. Achieve your goal and avoid common mistakes.
Innovation Project Templates - Discount Bundle
All Templates in 1 Package - The CEO Premium Discount Bundle
Get all of our professional templates in ONE PACKAGE. 90+ templates with over 70% discount, and a multi-user license.
Hackathon Event Templates Professional Downloads
Hackathon Rollout Guide - Getting Ready: Generate Excitement and Avoid Mistakes (PPT & Keynote)
Hackathon Task Checklist and Status Dashboard (Excel)
Hackathon Budget Sheet Excel Template
2 Day Hackathon Event Guide - Simple Step by Step for success, and avoid the common mistakes
This 70 slide PPT tells you how to run an "in person" 2-day Hack Event, and helps you with tips and problems to avoid so that you can maximise your Hackathon Event success.