I need to create a plan for Risk Management, and track our progress. What should I use?
The standard template for risk management is a Risk Log. This stores risk items in a list, or “Log”, and describes the status and severity of each risk. Some project managers also use RAID logs, which track the wider picture of Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies, as well as Risks.
Risk Management Approaches
Example Risk Log for Risk Management

Example RAID Log summary dashboard
Are you short on time?
Use these templates to help with this Best Practice:
RAID Log Excel Template
This RAID Log Excel Template helps you track detailed Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies and presents them on a summary Dashboard for easy understanding. Great for Board Reports and Status Reports.
See: RAID Log Excel TemplateSimple Risk Log Template (Excel & Google Sheets)
This Simple Risk Log Template helps you to list your risks, track them, and see the summary status on the Dashboard: Number of severe, mitigated etc!
See: Simple Risk Log Template (Excel & Google Sheets)Risk Management Template Discount Bundle
Whether your products and projects are going well, or if they are in crisis, you need to proactively manage your project risk. This bundle gives you all the tools to manage, plan and react to changes in Risk exposure. Risk logs to DRP plans – they are all here.
See: Risk Management Template Discount BundleBusiness Topics that support this Best Practice
Project Management
Agile Burn-Down and Burn-Up Template Excel
With this amazing tool you can create your burn-down and burn-up charts in minutes instead of hours. We’ve also saved you money by using Excel so that you don’t need to pay a monthly subscription fee – you can just use Google Sheets!
See: Agile Burn-Down and Burn-Up Template ExcelProject Report
A stylish PowerPoint project report which allows you to show your progress against the plan and budget.
See: Project ReportProject Handover PowerPoint
This captures the key elements of a project so you can deliver a smooth handover.
See: Project Handover PowerPointRisk Log and Transition Management Template Deal (PPT & Excel)
This Risk Log and Transition Management Template Pack provides professional risk logs, and transition planning tools. Download at more than 70% discount.
See: Risk Log and Transition Management Template Deal (PPT & Excel)