Playback documents are a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. They can help to avoid misunderstandings, provide a framework for negotiation, and serve as a record of the agreement.
A playback document is a pre-agreement that covers the terms of commercial offering. Use one to ensure that both parties involved in a commercial transaction are on the same page about what is expected.
It is an all too familiar scenario. Having run a tender you choose your supplier and as you get to the final negotiation you hit a hurdle. What YOU thought you had agreed is not what THEY thought you had agreed.
Use a playback document to avoid this scenario.
Key Benefits
- To avoid misunderstandings: A playback document clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the commercial proposition. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements down the road.
- To provide a framework for negotiation: The playback document should be used as a framework for the legal negotiations. This ensures that both parties are on the same page about what is being negotiated.
- To provide a record of the agreement: The playback document serves as a record of the agreement between both parties. This can be helpful in case of any disputes or disagreements.
Key Points
- Be clear and concise: The playback document should be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the other party may not understand.
- Be specific: The playback document should be specific. It should clearly state the terms and conditions of the commercial proposition.
- Be accurate: The playback document should be accurate. It should be free of errors and omissions.
- Be complete: The playback document should be complete. It should cover all of the relevant terms and conditions of the commercial proposition.
Are you short on time?
Use these templates to help with this Best Practice:
Playback Document
A Playback document is a pre-agreement that covers the terms of commercial offering. It is used to ensure that both parties involved in a commercial transaction are on the same page about what is expected.
See: Playback DocumentBusiness Topics that support this Best Practice
Procurement and Supply Chain Templates
Playback Document
A Playback document is a pre-agreement that covers the terms of commercial offering. It is used to ensure that both parties involved in a commercial transaction are on the same page about what is expected.
See: Playback DocumentComparison Template
A stylish PowerPoint comparison template which lets you quickly and effectively show the difference between different companies or products.
See: Comparison TemplateSupply Chain and Procurement Management (Powerpoint)
A guide to supply chain and procurement activity to enable cost control of a supply chain. Provides an overview and detail of what to do.
See: Supply Chain and Procurement Management (Powerpoint)Supply Chain Costs Template (PowerPoint)
A step by step guide showing you how to establish and present your supply chain costs and how to start making savings.
See: Supply Chain Costs Template (PowerPoint)