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Consultant License Extension for Templates

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SWOT Analysis Templates for 2021

SWOT Analysis Templates Pack

SWOT = Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats; it’s a very common way of assessing your business or product.

How does thisย SWOT Analysis Templates Pack help?

This is the ideal Powerpoint SWOT starter pack, to help you prepare aย SWOT analysis.

7-stage SWOT Process

The 7 Stage SWOT process in our template
The 7 Stage SWOT process in our template
  1. SWOT Questions – Prompts your ideas.
  2. Cheat Sheet – Use this for reference.
  3. SWOT Items List – Create your SWOT items.
  4. Prioritisation – Order them by importance.
  5. SWOT Matrix – Internal vs External, Negative vs Positive.
  6. SWOT Actions – How are you going to take action?
  7. SWOT Plan – Work your SWOT analysis into an actionable plan!

How is this different to other SWOT Analysis Templates?

Other templates only help you list your SWOT in different formats.

This template takes you through the whole process, from the start, so that you can create an action plan for your SWOT.

Take your SWOT from Brainstorm through to ACTION!

Use the helpful process and guidance slides to work right through to your SWOT Plan.

SWOT Analysis Templates Pack - SLIDES
SWOT 2021 – Slides included
The SWOT Analysis Powerpoint Template matrix: Internal; External; Helpful; Harmful
The SWOT Analysis Powerpoint Template matrix: Internal; External; Helpful; Harmful
The SWOT Analysis Templates Cheat Sheet
The SWOT Analysis Templates Cheat Sheet – 70 prompts to help you list your SWOT items!

PESTLE Cheat Sheet 2024

A preview of the 2024 PESTLE Cheat Sheet

Use this PESTLE Cheat Sheet 2024 to assist you in PESTLE workshops and strategy sessions. It is also useful to look back through the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 slides, so that you can see how the factors evolve.

The stand alone 2019 PESTLE Cheat Sheet

This 2019 cheat sheet shows the factor areas that were most relevant in 2019.

The 2021 update

This 2021 cheat sheet has some updated areas related to the pandemic.

The 2022 update

A screenshot of a PESTLE Cheat Sheet
Our PESTLE Cheat Sheet updated in 2022.

The 2023 update

Our PESTLE Cheat Sheet update in 2023, with pertinent factors.

Trending factors in 2024 PESTLE with details

The trending PESTLE factors in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PESTLE cheat sheet?

A PESTLE cheat sheet helps you and your team remember which areas to consider when identifying your external factors during business planning and opportunity assessment.

How do I use a PESTLE cheat sheet?

You can use a cheat sheet to trigger insights and prompt new avenues of thought during a PESTLE workshop.

What was new in PESTLE in 2023?

There are new prompts to think about for factors in Politics, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal, and Environmental areas.

What is new in PESTLE for 2024?

There are new prompts to think about for factors in Politics, Economy, Social, Technology, Legal, and Environmental areas.

Background and PESTLE Expertise

Our consultants have been working on PESTLE Analyses since the 1990s, and are aware that the focus of PESTLE priorities changes as our world changes around us. In 2019 we started sharing our tips and priorities as this PESTLE Cheat Sheet format. There was a 2020 update, then 2022 PESTLE update, and 2023 PESTLE Update.

We have also added a range of other PESTLE resources, so that professionals around the world could save time and create great strategic materials from these great starting points: In 2013, our SWOT & PESTLE roadmap formats discount bundle; In 2016 ourย PESTLE Update; In 2016 the PESTLE Product Strategy template; In 2020 the PESTLE factors business best practice and the “How do I do a PESTEL Analysis?” best practice guide.

What does the RAID acronym mean in Project Management?

Excel RAID Log & Dashboard Template

Use a RAID Log to keep control of your project

Every project is different, and projects typically have lots of moving parts. Project Managers use RAID Logs to stay on top of all the moving parts and to inform regular routine meetings that track each RAID item, its associated owner, and what the next steps are for that item.

Answers to your RAID Log FAQs

What does the RAID acronym mean in Project Management?

RAID is an acronym that stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies, which are aspects of every project. A RAID Log tracks lists of these items and is used by a project manager to minimize the chances of negative events. Each RAID item in the RAID Log has a status, severity, and actions for particular people involved in the project. RAID project management techniques originate from the classic “waterfall model” project management approach that started in the 20th Century.

What is the difference between Risks and Issues?

A “Risk” is something that may become a problem (but is not yet a problem) for a project.
An “Issue” is something that is already a problem. If a risk materializes, it becomes an issue.

How do I score and prioritize risks?

Risks are often scored by their perceived “Likelihood” and “Impact“.
Likelihood = how likely is it that the risk turns into an issue.
Impact = how serious is the negative impact if the risk turns into an issue.
These two scores are often combined into a “Severity” score, so that project managers can prioritize the mitigation.
Find out more about Risk Scoring here.

Explanations and Examples for you

  1. RISKS – A negative factor that might happen. If it does happen, it will have a negative effect on your project. Score your risks with Likelihood and Impact. e.g.
    1. There is a risk that the project sponsor will stop funding the project.
    2. There is a risk that people will not buy our product
  2. ASSUMPTIONS – This is something that you believe will happen, and you need to keep track of it to check that it will happen. e.g.
    1. We assume that people will still be eating cereal in 2021.
    2. We assume that there will be enough finance to borrow ยฃxm in 2022.
    3. The Price of widgets will remain below USD 234.50 per kilo.
  3. ISSUES – These are problems that are definitely happening. Risks can become issues. e.g.
    1. Not enough budget to run phase 2 of our project.
    2. The expert kite maker is leaving the company.
  4. DEPENDENCIES – These are things or processes that your project is reliant on. e.g.
    1. Raw materials delivered to manufacturing plant.
    2. Widget boxes delivered before 24th July 2023.

Summarize your RAID Items with a Dashboard

Excel RAID Log & Dashboard Template
This is a Dashboard Summary for a RAID Log. There is a sheet to list each of the Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies, and this is all summarised in this Dashboard so that the project manager can track Risk Status.

Conduct Regular RAID updates to prioritize actions

Project managers typically use a RAID Log to track project risk each week with regular meetings. For many, this is their favorite tool to monitor and track the impact caused by project changes. RAID logs are also essential to manage and prioritize the actions across the project team.

RAID Log Tips

  1. Track your RAID items regularly: Make sure you don’t forget or neglect your RAID items in large projects and programs! Use a RAID log as your living document so that you can track in real-time these risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies as they develop.
  2. Use an Excel Template: While you can use project management software to help with RAID management, it is often better to use a simple excel spreadsheet, so that the team can all access and read the document easily.
  3. Create a RAID Log Dashboard: An Excel RAID Log with a dashboard helps you organize your RAID log in an impressive form. This RAID Log Excel Template makes it easy for you to see at-a-glance how your company is performing, so you can take corrective action quickly if needed.

STEEPLE Cheat Sheet 2024

A STEEPLE Analysis supports product planning, strategy and marketing by helping you identify and prioritise important external factors. Create your STEEPLE so that you avoid external threats, and make the most of external opportunities.

The STEEPLE analysis framework is very similar to PESTLE (see our PESTLE Cheat Sheet), with the addition of “E” for “Ethical” factors.

The STEEPLE Cheat Sheet Powerpoint includes

  1. Our 2020 cheat sheet based on STEEPLE factors in 2020.
  2. The updated 2021 cheat sheet that is updated for pandemic factors so that you get the right prompts.
  3. The top priority STEEPLE factors in 2024, with some additional explanation.
  4. A “Deep Dive” on Ethical factors for 2024, including “impact” and “action to take” for each.
  5. The full version of the STEEPLE Cheat Sheet for 2024.
  6. The STEEPLE Analysis Opportunities and Threats template to fill in with your prioritised factors.

STEEPLE stands for:

  • S: Social
  • T: Technological
  • E: Economic
  • E: Environmental
  • P: Political
  • L: Legal
  • E: Ethical

Easy-to-edit PowerPoint slides

STEEPLE Cheat Sheet for 2020
STEEPLE Cheat Sheet for 2020 – listing prompts for External Factors
The STEEPLE Analysis Cheat Sheet for 2022
The STEEPLE Analysis priority areas for 2024
Deep Dive on Ethical factors for the STEEPLE Analysis in 2024
The 2024 STEEPLE Cheat Sheet – full version
STEEPLE Opportunity and Threat template


Support for your virtual STEEPLE workshop

We have provided a detailed series of factors to explore so that you can build your analysis in a workshop setting. These PowerPoint slides are ideal for virtual STEEPLE workshops to help you create your STEEPLE analysis remotely.

How is STEEPLE different to PESTLE?

STEEPLE uses the same external factor areas as PESTLE, and has an additional “E” that stands for “Ethical”. This means you can explore your corporate ethics and your opportunities and threats.

What is STEEPLE used for?

STEEPLE is used as a framework to illuminate external factors. In each area you analyse threats and opportunities so that you can plan and reduce risk.